I enrolled in a professional cooking class. Twenty weeks of chopping, sauteing, roasting and kneading. I can't wait.
On our first day, our teacher went on and on about the wonderful plastic cutting boards they use. According to her, they prevent contamination because they can go in the dishwasher. That's great, especially when you're cooking chicken, chopping vegetables and grating cheese all in one workspace.
But, I was confused because a fear of Bisphenol-A has me avoiding my own plastic board. Good Housekeeping has a really comprehensive article on BPA. They even ran a bunch of tests of various kitchen supplies with plastic. It's a really interesting piece, but not one word about my plastic cutting board.
So then, I ventured into the world of the online forum. These things can be a rabbit hole - so many opinions and catty responses. Anyway, this discussion board from Chowhound was pretty interesting.
My conclusion: only use the plastic cutting board for meat and fish, which I don't use very often anyway. Otherwise, I'll stick to my bamboo board. Maybe I'll even invest in a glass board.